Pella Hoops Club

2024-25 PHC PAST Coaches Registration




Please complete the following form to register your interest in serving as a team coach, even if you were a PHC coach last season.

Coaches who register will be considered based on coaching openings, prior year involvement, coaching experience, hours of availability, and role fit, among other factors. 


Things to note:

  • Background Checks: A background check will be done on all NEW coaches who register (and every 2 years after that) which will require some information to be entered twice. Results of the background check will be shared with the PHC Board only. Items included for the background check are standard for Sports Engine and can't be adjusted - what is included in the background check can be found here:


  • Abuse Awareness: In addition, NEW coaches who register (and every 2 years after that) will receive an online training link for abuse awareness, which is required to meet the Sports Safety Act of 2017. You will be given a link after registering as well as by email. Completion of this will be required by end of October to meet this Federal statute. More details on this component can be found here:


Most questions can be answered by referring to the 2024-25 PHC Registration Flyer that came with the email communication, or the PHC Handbook. Both are available at our website:


You can also get answers to more difficult questions by contacting a Pella Hoops Club Board member, whose contact information is listed at the bottom of the flyer or on our website.


Thank you for your willingness to donate time towards the development of our youth basketball athletes!

- PHC Board of Directors